Sunday, April 19, 2009

Preparation and waiting

I always cling to the idea that God is preparing the right one for me. That whoever that person is, perhaps God is improving him before giving him to me. What a self-serving thought!
Lately, i've experienced another heartache.

I was bitter for a week. Irritated..grumpy and bitch!!!
It was a 'lil painful this time because I thought everything was falling perfectly on its proper place. I thought that it was long overdue...but was worth the wait.

But all these things were wrong, if not misconception.

It was overdue and premature ...quite an oxymoron? Let me i go along...
Nevertheless, it was a perfect time for me to ponder and look within me to know where the problem is coming from....was it me or the other person again?
I was in denial to say it's blaming is more than easy.
But truth as they say would set you free.. and so I looked for more answers.

More than preparing the person for me...I guess God wants me to be prepared..when the right one comes along.
Rather than thinking that the person for me is being prepared, I should take a step to look into my own shortcomings and improve the person that i am...
I will forever lose those that come along my way if I don't how to love and care for myself.
Only then I will realize who to keep and who to let go...
if i love myself, i will let other people to love me...
...and will not hurt the one that loves me..or the one I love.

Monday, April 13, 2009


im writing again with so much emotions inside me that i can't contain and control...thoughts are running rapidly and i don't know how to organize...but i'll try to make sense out of it...pardon if i'd fail...
my tears been hiding behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well...i wanted to hug my bestfriend/cousin before she went inside the departure area...but for some reason i did not.
i know i will miss her.
my tears been hidind behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well when i saw my two cousins embracing the other day...bidding goodbyes. I saw the other one welling with tears overwhelmed by the goodness one did for her through these trying times...and i saw the other controlling her tears and trying to make things light....i turned back and wiped my tears.
i'm happy with the recent news...that my nephew had a successful chemo treatment and that the bad cells had gone...God is good! Prayers are still needed for the continous fast recovery. My thanks to the many people who have said their sincere prayers.
I hope it is not too late for me to ever finally decipher what i have been feeling for the past few that i finally know i hope fate won't play with me....i'm afraid of bein' hurt once more.
I'm doing my part as the others would say i need to do...if this would fail this's not gonna be my fault.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i have browsed the complete list of new lawyers for the year...
i saw familiar names.
i'm happy and at the same time a lil edgy about the idea of "me" taking the bar.
i'm having goosebumps more than ever!
i can say i am not equipped yet...but i am aware that this is a normal feeling every lawstudent feels.
i know it is too premature for me to feel this way as "taking the bar" is really far from my status right now..
13 more subjects i need to hurdle...
more money i need to burn...
more strength and determination i need to squeeze from myself..
more prayers to say
more challenges i need to surpass with flying colors...
more people to include in my network
more experiences to learn....
God will make a way....I know
I just can't afford to fail those who are believing in me...including myself
I am inspired by the many people I want to help in getting this dream...

just now...

i miss this kind of moment...
moment to be with myself...alone...yet not lonely.
im enjoying the new workplace as we finally moved to a different loving the place.

many thoughts are running in my mind tonight...

  • like it's really important to value relationship because during dark days...those whom you have valued will show all the care and support. It's important to value relationship...just that do not expect that those whom you have valued will show the same. It is still a no-no to expect.but generous and sincere care can surely melt one's heart.
  • I'm glad that i was brought up close to my relatives. I love my cousins, my tito's and tita's and my pamangkins so much...i love them all my life. In times of adversities...our family is the only thing that we can really lean on. tried and tested!
  • I used to cry over people who never even showed love...not even the slightest care. I grew up praying for them to love me. I grew up wishing them to like me. I grew up hoping they just will not hate me. And then I grew up loving the people they love and not expecting anymore for anything...Now, I've proven that God answers perfect time.
  • I know it's such a cliche' but its applicability in our daily lives could save us from anxiety..."There is a reason for everything..."
  • ....and lastly, I am now convinced to give someone a chance not because of something else...but because I trust God's plans...and I'm lifting everything on Him.

Monday, April 6, 2009

silent for a while...

haven't created an entry for a while...
I have been busy with the coming of my cousins from Dubai..
..foreclosure problems...(which I have been carrying out for a year or it suddenly exploded...)
and lately..looking for a foundation for my nephew.
My nephew (from my first cousin), 3 yr old smart and cute little angel, was diagnosed with Leukemia.
It was a bad news that caught everyone in different emotions.

Until now...i am out of words...much more are my cousins...and my nephew's parents.

I am thankful for my friends who have showed support and concern.
For those who have prayed...
and still praying for his fast recovery.
