Sunday, January 27, 2008

Not an accident

We are never an accident in this world. Our existence was planned by God. He chose our parents...the right parents who would bring us out in this world.
God knows that their genes (traits, personalities, talents, weaknesses and strengths) are perfect to create a PERSON that we are right now. Different from each other...yet special in God's eyes. Our being is supplemented by the blessings, adversities, tests, challenges, achievements and other circumstances. Hence, these things happened to complete us. It is a process of our individualities. God intended those things to happen all because He loves us.
God wants us to know ourselves better...God wants us to know Him better...
by loving ourselves...only then we will be able to see how wonderful God have made such a wonderful "us"...letting us experience life.
by loving God...only then we will have real peace and happiness...
trusting Him that whatever is all because of His love for us.
"The glory of life is beyond our senses. The love of God is beyond the glory of life"
- by me