Monday, October 27, 2008

Let me share a paragraph from the book of Osho…

“Never carry things on from the past – the past is gone. Every moment be rid of it, solved or unsolved. Now nothing can be done about it. Drop it – and don’t carry parts because those parts won’t allow you to solve new problems that live in the moment. Live this moment as totally as possible, and suddenly you will come to realize that if you live it totally, it is solved. There is no need to solve it. Life is not a problem to be solved - it is a mystery to be lived. If you live it totally it is solved, and you come out of it beautiful, enriched, with new treasures of your being opened and nothing hanging around you. Then you move in another moment with that freshness, with this totality, intensity, so that another moment is lived and solved.”

I find this philosophy of Osho very sensible and practical approach in life. There is really sense in traveling light. We don’t have to accumulate clutter in our lives. Take away pain, anger, regrets and bitterness in our lives and will emerge as a free human being able to feel the inexplicable and amusing flow of life.
It sounds quite easy…but must admit that it may be hard for some. However, it will even be a lot difficult if we will not free ourselves from the misery of imprisoning it with emotions that are slowly consuming our lives….us.
Life itself is unfathomable…and its being such makes things a lot exciting and challenging. There are instances in our lives that we are compelled to act as our inaction would lead us to a place we would not like to be at. But there are also instances that our understanding, acceptance and wise realization are necessary enough more than anything else.
There are things beyond our control that no matter how much we want things to happen our way…sometimes it just can’t. Same goes that there are things that happen even if it is against our will. Surprisingly yet true, that sometimes the best thing to do is just to accept it. Acceptance is the first step towards achieving an uncomplicated life. Moving on is a wise decision. Forgiving or letting go is that which will set you apart from anybody else.