Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reading between the lines

"you don't say what is apparent"...said my friend when teased that she's so damn BIG!
Yeah...there are things need not to say as it is obvious.
makes me wonder now....what if what you perceive as "apparent" is not what it seems to be?
...and there goes taint of doubt and confusion sets in.
Our actions can either bring us to clarity...or "well" of endless darkness...
We sometimes assume and presume things as if we are "very" sure of it.
We base our conviction on the facts presented and perceived, not to mention our personal knowledge to stand a leg on what we "believe"...ONLY TO FIND OUT! we are WRONG!
Actions may deceive us...
Actions may fool us and make us feel all the more stupid!
Actions are not always reliable if these will be the "only" basis
.....Actions can hurt. Hurt us like hell.
Sometimes, we also need to hear what needs to be verbalized....we need to know what we oughta know.
But yeah...only those who are sure of what they feel can take a risk to say...
Only those who are sincere of their apologies can utter "im sorry"
Only those who feel an honest intention can disclose their feelings takes more than courage, i think.
It takes respect for the other person...not to be left in cloud of doubt.

It is dangerous to really read between the lines. I'd rather be a mushroom...clueless and dense
than to feel frustrated and having this feeling of shame :(