Monday, August 4, 2008


I have sacrificed so much...but i so love the profession... to have let go of so many things for it.
i can't see myself in any other profession other than this..
be it a cliche but i have this altruistic feeling why i want to pursue it...regardless of how difficult the way to achieve it...irrespective of when...all i want is to reach the finish line....and i know my life will have a better start thereafter.

There's no turning back...
I have never been this happy...
I will never regret the day I first step in lawschool...
it has changed me a lot...since then.
I am prepared to any consequence...
I know there's no certainty...
But one thing i am certain of...i will never give up.
if i have to hurdle all the way...i will do
no matter how much it cause me..
my intention is good....i know God will help me all the way.

Oneday I know it will be all worth it.