Wednesday, September 3, 2008

another way towards it..

I believe that God has His ways on leading us towards our destination. The ways may be apparent or may be profound and at times we run out of capabilities to comprehend...but whatever those ways are at the end God is just leading us to a better way to successfully reach our itinerary.
I am guilty of losing my patience and strength sometimes...of almost giving up...of forgetting that God is with me in my journey....but I am proud that though I went through all those temptations...I never doubted God's intention. Though I've been weak..I've never allowed myself to completely succumb to the devil's temptation - to give up!
Through out the process (of which I called -my maturity), though I stumbled a lot of times, I always cling to God and in one way or another, those experiences have stregthened my faith (more than my personality).
In our life, I know there is no precise route to reach our goals and along the way there will be some constructions and detour/reroute. Those things shouldn't stop us from travelling. Either we take the long or short cut, what's important is we follow God's way towards our destination....towards our goal. It only takes a DECISION...and FAITH- to God and to ourselves.