Monday, September 1, 2008

I would be unhappy if i grow old...alone. Well, one could be single but not alone.
I have seen people who need companions more than their companions need him/her.
I pity those who at their age should have established atleast a family, if not circle of friends, to accompany them in times of their need to celebrate goodness of life...but turned out to establish neither.
As the saying goes " sieze the day!" we shouldn't forget to make the most out of the day we have ... let us not deprive ourselves the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy life-to the fullest. Some are merely focused on how to reach their goal or destination, forgetting that they also have a life to live. I always believe that "it is not the's the journey". There are few who have gotten their biggest goal...but sad to say, remain lost and unhappy. They've realized that they have wasted their entire life making the impossible things possible...when all what they need was just to smile with joy in their heart and to laugh the loudest each day that will pass.
On the otherhand, I admire those who have intelligently (i must say!) enjoyed both the blessings of a happy and a fulfilled life. These are the people who have reached their destination while enjoying the scenery of life.
...and i wish to be one of the latter type.
when the time comes I have reached destination...I want to have no regrets. I don't want to look back with a heart wanting to redo or undo certain things....
I just want to go forward with a smile...and be very thankful how blessed i was to have experienced LIFE.