Monday, March 9, 2009

I miss my friend...

I'm not sure if he will still be able to read this ( unless I decided one day to delete this entry)
..I just do miss him.

We have shared a good friendship together and for all those times I have been sincere with the care I showed him.
He is one person I am thankful I have come across in this world..
and will keep him forever in my heart.
I thank him for teaching me how to love unconditionally with out expecting my feelings to be reciprocated...not at all.
I am happy to have him as a dear friend and happy to love him in silence.
I am sooo happy and proud of what he has become...

I know I will miss him when the time comes that our priorities would ask us to be apart and that we shall live our lives separately...
well, just the thought of it makes me cry
but I know I shall embrace it when it comes
and be happy for whatever fate leads us...

just now...I already miss him