Friday, January 2, 2009

God is good!

A former college schoolmate of mine was not regularized in the company she was working with...let's just name it Company ABC. Her contract got ended last December. Too bad because it was another case of "office politics". Prior to her joining Company ABC, she worked with a multinational softdrink company and was occupying a supervisorial position. Her credentials are more than fine as she holds masteral degree from a prestigious university. Attitude-wise I can not think of any negative thing about her as I think she can get along pretty well with anybody. So I don't think the problem is with her.
When I heard the news, I immediately gave her a call. I guess the trauma, stress and hatred are still there...but good thing is that she will have a new life and environment in this new year as she was able to get a new a company which is also at par to Company ABC.
God is good. As they can never put a good person down!
To her is but a wheel of never really know when you get bankrupt!
Somebody will teach you ...someday.