Monday, April 4, 2011

HERE COMES MY NEW BLOG :) Enjoy Reading :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Got good news to break...

Yep!!! It's no longer REVERSE. It's finally ONSHORE MIGRATION...which means to say...I'm going to germany!!! : )

Until now I'm still praying...praying very hard...and trying to absorb things...I really can't believe it! True God make things possible.

I can't hold my excitement....!!!

My stopover would be Abu Dhabi...

During the weekends...I'm planning to go to Paris, Italy, Vienna (to visit cai and hopefully she'll accompany me to Slovakia and Hungary-budapest), Belgium and if lucky enough Swit. But of course I'll do my best to explore Germany...particularly Frankfurt.

I took a leave at school....only for this sem. I'll enroll next year, though.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here I am again....I'm back!

I miss this...
I find it so funny that I only get to visit here everytime I suddenly thought of visiting my friend's funny blogsite...
Is he still visiting this site? I guess hindi na cguro....

Anyhow, updates updates (so crazy updating this...wala naman ibang nagbabasa kungdi ako hahah)

Migration going to Germany didnt push through...not meant for me. But my new project (Reverse Migration) will push through this Oct. 26... parang may event sa 27...hmmm

I miss my to get it na this week.

Thank you sa itouch ko for accompanying me every lonely nights.

It has been such an undescribable month for me... grabe!!! Nakakaloka. --> un na yun!

I'm praying I guess God knows lifting everything to Him..
Pinakamahirap tlagang kalaban ang sarili at emosyon....
Nakakasawa nang magpigil...all my life I needed to keep up with darn standards that other people have set for me...
"That's not you!" " That's so you"..."wag na tigil na" "ang talino mo pero tanga ka pagdating dyan..." blah blah blah....
What they don't know...this is me...I don't care who the person is...I don't care what other people think of the person...when I care...I care. When I feel...I feel regardless of....
It's so hard...coz you're in the middle of not wanting other people to be disappointed...and not disappointing yourself.. But most of the time I end up disappointing nalang myself...

I don't know how this has started...but the hardest part is how to end this.
It's easy to say...just stop.
But i've figured isnt that easy to do.
Been here...and not im going through it again..

Friday, August 21, 2009

Been ages...

Admittedly, I got hooked up with FB..that I almost forgot that I have blogsite, which obviously I suddenly left behind.. Sorry naman :(

Eversince I bought my Net book early this year, I got addicted to writing "notes" in my FB. I have compiled all the entries few weeks ago...and was surprised to learn that I can almost start a lil book...I also am maintaining notes (which I didnt publish in my FB) in my Itouch. I wrote them during those times "i'm-not-okay"..if not during the times "im-trying-to-be-okay".

My life has been such a roller coaster ride...oneday there's flowers and sunshine...the next day I'm all bruised up and wounded...the next week new characters just coming in and even before the week ends...some of them are missing. Oneday there's opportunity..the next day there's a loss...or vice versa. Sometimes, I would wake up with a very fast beating of my fast as how things are happening in my life. But come to think of it...I wouldnt be able to write anything if my life is just so plain, simple and boring...I wouldnt be able to learn something each day...AND SO I'M STILL THANKFUL, DESPITE THE FACT!!!.

I was just reminded to have a heart to visit my site...just now. After visiting a blogsite of a friend (whom by the way I would want to invite in FB coz I read in his site that he's also becoming an FB addict) It has been months since the last time I visited his site. It's a funny site that would make you laugh, if not smile, after reading all those entries. Quite a therapy to get away from stress.

I am happy that because of this blogging addiction and FB addiction I was able also to inspire and encourage some friends to write...just like my partner Joey. I've encouraged him to blog..and to create FB account...He has written so many entries in his notes...all for his wife (whom by the way is clueless that he has been writting so many sweet things about her). Joey plans, to have it printed oneday...he will give this on their first anniversary as husband and wife. How sweet!!! : )
Just so sad..that just this week FB is officially blocked in Partner Joey's wala na akong dakilang kausap dun at tiga payo at tiga comment sa mga status at postings ko! Sayang! tsk tsk tsk...I wonder what's gonna happen in our "forum"...katapusan na nun. But I hope we'll be able to finish (ehem start pla) our project...BOOK!!! entitled Partners Cel & Joey....sounds family?? hehehe... I hope we'll be able to do that.
I have announced (unofficially) that I'm releasing my book before the year ends... some even asked for hard bound... I was taken aback...on how I would finance it hehe... and so I might just print it out...have it binded (sa gilid ng Vitocruz hehe) and give it to those who would take time to read my book.

"Adik na nga ako sa FB"...yep!! I must admit that... pero may isa pang bagay na i'm getting hook up. I could not get him out my system...kahit ilang beses ko ng sabihin sa self ko. ARrrrgggghhh...I just couldn't understand why feelings could this be so stubborn...
and so...sge enjoy nalang muna. Happy naman....but the question is...until when I should stop this craziness....when I know naman at the end...we will have to let go each other.. (here am I again...NEGA)... so kahit alam kong ayaw nila...cge lang...Im happy...kahit mapuyat...cge lang...kahit masaktan...cge lang...sometimes I could really be this...crazy!!! I'm happy being with him...happy talking...happy just saying nothing. Hindi ko na iisipin if happy rin sya....okay na un. I won't ask if he's true and sincere...okay na un. I'm just living with moment's passion. Im seizing the day. I'm risking....this time.

One thing I'm looking forward this year...MIGRATION!!! yep!
I hope this will push through....if not, okay means God doesn't want me to stop my schooling for the meantime...
But I want also to spend my Xmas there...with the snow : )
Bahala na... :) Just like im doing everyday...I'm just courageously going with the flow...

Oneday...I'll take the time to post all my entries in FB.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

random thoughts...about life

In life you will meet alot of people who will play important roles in your life. Some may inspire you to achieve your goals and dreams. Some may drag you down to join them in their miseries. Some may say 'you can' while others would just say 'you just can't'. Some may even criticize you, condemn you and judge you as if they know every little thing about you. Call you names and forget about all the good things that you have done. Some may be proud of what you have become and what you have been achieving. Some may just wait for your defeat. Some may teach you to yield your strengths while some would just take advantage of your weaknesses. Be careful and be vigilant in showing your vulnerable side as it can be used against you or to your own danger and disadvantage. Sometimes, it does not only pay to choose your ground as it is likewise pays to choose the people within that 'ground'. Know the difference between 'good' and 'nice'. Some may be nice but not necessarily good. Be good to yourself and be good to others. People will always have something to say and be sure you are ready to hear all those things irrespective of whether it will favor you or not. Accept that you can not please everyone, but it still pays to be nice. Be nice to everyone and be sure that you know when to set your limitations. Say the words 'i love you' and 'i care' to those who are deserving of it. Do not deprive them the chance to know what you feel. Do not fool yourself with what you want to hear as against what you are actually hearing. Sometimes others tend to say what they do not mean. Do not manipulate other's emotions and make sure that you won't allow your emotions to be manipulated as well. Guard yourself to possible robbers and thieves. Do not abuse other's kindness. Do not let yourself to be abused. Stand up where you fall and pick up the your own mess. Do not go on blaming. It is true that a wound creates a mark. But life gives us chances and it is wise to use them rather than wallow and dwell on what we have missed. Do not regret. Move forward and there's no turning back. Happiness is not seen on what is lacking. Do not dwell much on what you do not have. It will just make you envious and ungrateful. Taking a risk is taking a chance to learn and to be happy...and the pains, bruises and hurts along the way are the learnings of the past. Forget the mistakes and mishaps. Get over and learn from it. You are not perfect but your imperfection should never be an excuse to decide and commit mistakes. Respect yourself and your life. Respect doesn't come first from others. It should start within you. Do not expect that when you give it to others, respect will be given back to you. It is not always the case. Sometimes even the people who deserve the most respect do not get the same. But never forget to give it, though. Forgive others and forgive yourself. If you are nursing grudges in your heart, then do not expect to have peace of mind. Still, the greatest revenge is to have a better life. Do not burn bridges. Do not start the fight. But in case, you are there already do not run away. Learn to be responsible in your duties and obligations but never forget to be passionate. Never make promises you know you can not keep. Be sincere with your dealings. But never forget to loosen up at times. Try to laugh and be crazy for a day. Try to smile and make someone else do the same. Read good books and meet new will learn a lot and will realize that the greatest lessons in life are not really taught in school. Set a goal and do something to achieve it. Resources will just be coming in if you really decide. God always provides even before you ask. Dream, love and trust. If you fail, never get tired to do the same but be wise enough to strategize. Value your relationship with others. But most importantly...value your relationship with God coz when everything fails and when everyone is not can gracefully live this so called Life..knowing that God is with you....
Treasure life every minute that you have it! : )

Saturday, May 16, 2009

here i am again...playing dumb and fool...
i guess i will never understand why certain feelings havent changed...even if it shouldnt stay
i have nothing to hope for...for the hope had passed me by...
the truth has been set out...offered...laid down my table
but i kept denying it for so long...only because i could not bear the pain of losing him in my life...
if loving him in silence is the only consolation...and the only way to keep him i'd do that wholeheartedly
i'd be lying if i'd say im no longer faith is rallying inside and asking God another chance...bargaining
here i am again....pushing things

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Preparation and waiting

I always cling to the idea that God is preparing the right one for me. That whoever that person is, perhaps God is improving him before giving him to me. What a self-serving thought!
Lately, i've experienced another heartache.

I was bitter for a week. Irritated..grumpy and bitch!!!
It was a 'lil painful this time because I thought everything was falling perfectly on its proper place. I thought that it was long overdue...but was worth the wait.

But all these things were wrong, if not misconception.

It was overdue and premature ...quite an oxymoron? Let me i go along...
Nevertheless, it was a perfect time for me to ponder and look within me to know where the problem is coming from....was it me or the other person again?
I was in denial to say it's blaming is more than easy.
But truth as they say would set you free.. and so I looked for more answers.

More than preparing the person for me...I guess God wants me to be prepared..when the right one comes along.
Rather than thinking that the person for me is being prepared, I should take a step to look into my own shortcomings and improve the person that i am...
I will forever lose those that come along my way if I don't how to love and care for myself.
Only then I will realize who to keep and who to let go...
if i love myself, i will let other people to love me...
...and will not hurt the one that loves me..or the one I love.

Monday, April 13, 2009


im writing again with so much emotions inside me that i can't contain and control...thoughts are running rapidly and i don't know how to organize...but i'll try to make sense out of it...pardon if i'd fail...
my tears been hiding behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well...i wanted to hug my bestfriend/cousin before she went inside the departure area...but for some reason i did not.
i know i will miss her.
my tears been hidind behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well when i saw my two cousins embracing the other day...bidding goodbyes. I saw the other one welling with tears overwhelmed by the goodness one did for her through these trying times...and i saw the other controlling her tears and trying to make things light....i turned back and wiped my tears.
i'm happy with the recent news...that my nephew had a successful chemo treatment and that the bad cells had gone...God is good! Prayers are still needed for the continous fast recovery. My thanks to the many people who have said their sincere prayers.
I hope it is not too late for me to ever finally decipher what i have been feeling for the past few that i finally know i hope fate won't play with me....i'm afraid of bein' hurt once more.
I'm doing my part as the others would say i need to do...if this would fail this's not gonna be my fault.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i have browsed the complete list of new lawyers for the year...
i saw familiar names.
i'm happy and at the same time a lil edgy about the idea of "me" taking the bar.
i'm having goosebumps more than ever!
i can say i am not equipped yet...but i am aware that this is a normal feeling every lawstudent feels.
i know it is too premature for me to feel this way as "taking the bar" is really far from my status right now..
13 more subjects i need to hurdle...
more money i need to burn...
more strength and determination i need to squeeze from myself..
more prayers to say
more challenges i need to surpass with flying colors...
more people to include in my network
more experiences to learn....
God will make a way....I know
I just can't afford to fail those who are believing in me...including myself
I am inspired by the many people I want to help in getting this dream...

just now...

i miss this kind of moment...
moment to be with myself...alone...yet not lonely.
im enjoying the new workplace as we finally moved to a different loving the place.

many thoughts are running in my mind tonight...

  • like it's really important to value relationship because during dark days...those whom you have valued will show all the care and support. It's important to value relationship...just that do not expect that those whom you have valued will show the same. It is still a no-no to expect.but generous and sincere care can surely melt one's heart.
  • I'm glad that i was brought up close to my relatives. I love my cousins, my tito's and tita's and my pamangkins so much...i love them all my life. In times of adversities...our family is the only thing that we can really lean on. tried and tested!
  • I used to cry over people who never even showed love...not even the slightest care. I grew up praying for them to love me. I grew up wishing them to like me. I grew up hoping they just will not hate me. And then I grew up loving the people they love and not expecting anymore for anything...Now, I've proven that God answers perfect time.
  • I know it's such a cliche' but its applicability in our daily lives could save us from anxiety..."There is a reason for everything..."
  • ....and lastly, I am now convinced to give someone a chance not because of something else...but because I trust God's plans...and I'm lifting everything on Him.