Friday, September 12, 2008

Last Sunday, we were so eager to know what was the first question for Political Law...someone uttered something like "Hard Law and Soft Law". Then everybody was taken aback (at least for a moment) the short silence was followed by laughters and spontaneous spiels. It may seem as typical objective question expected to be answered abruptly, (I wonder if that would be the scenario for others who have just encountered the word right there and then) but then it seems otherwise...well for us. To be honest, I have not encountered this (not blaming anyone...not even my references, though) until last sunday, I guess. Nevertheless, this has triggered my goosebumps all the more...a sad manifestation that I am not yet (really) that equipped. This is one sad part of hurdling any exams...just when you thought you could pass, if not perfect, an simple question, if not too foreign, could make you dead loss. It certainly would drag your spirit...worst is your dream. Just like any wise man would always say- Never feel that you are TOO good on something...coz if you do, there won't be a space for more learnings/improvements. Confidence, however, is another page of the book. We should not stop from learning (everyday). Little knowledge of everything is dangerous. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be stuck in the phase of being a mediocre. We should aim high..and we should work hard to completely attain it. Setting a standard for ourselves does pay. It is great to be good at what we do...or shall I say, it is good to be great at what we do.