Monday, September 22, 2008

Benefits from coffee

Since 2004, I have been very dependent in drinking coffee- once, twice or even more than to start my day or somehow boost my energy during day and night in which I am compelled to be awake.
In my lifestyle it is inevitable not to stay late at night and I find drinking coffee very reliable to help me do my other stuffs. It makes me at peace to know that drinking coffee has indeed a lot benefits to one's health and has erased my notion that coffee is no good at all. I have read that coffee has a lot of perks in our health which is good to know especially that I will find it difficult to chunk it out my system.
According to a spate of recent studies moderate coffee drinking may lower the risk of colon cancer, gallstones, and cirrhosis of the liver. Coffee has been linked to reducing the incidence of Diabetes, and has recently been touted as being high in antioxidants as well. Studies also shows that coffee is no.1 source of Antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in foods that can prevent or slow oxidative damage to our body. When our cells utilize oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals which can cause damage to other cells. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage inflicted by these free radicals. The evidence is strong that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease and that benefit is directly related to the caffeine. Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found how coffee can reduce the risk of alcohol-induced pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis is a condition in which the pancreas becomes inflamed, causing severe abdominal pain. It is often triggered by alcohol consumption which causes digestive enzymes to digest part of the pancreas. Some research also shows that the compound ‘caffeine’ present in the coffee is considered to be a mind acceleration mood booster which increases the mental performance. The compound caffeine stimulates the attention span, reaction time, concentration and acuity with numbers. Even a small amount of caffeine, about 32 mg in a five ounce cup of coffee can give you a large amount of energy and mental boost. Caffeine can actually move to your brain within 25 to 30 minutes and lasts unto six hours. I have visited a site and read that Caffeine is often added to pain medications because it improves their absorption and increases their pain killing effect. A caffeine in a strong cup of coffee can help relieve a migraine or even end it if consumed in the very early stage of a headache. It is known that substances that dilate blood vessels, like alcohol, can cause vascular headaches. Substances that constrict blood vessels, like caffeine, can help counter the painful effects of blood vessel dilation in the head.

***So enjoy a cup of coffee everyday!