Saturday, October 11, 2008

Random thoughts - oh well

Two more exams to hurdle and I can finally have my grand vacation with a friend....-oh well
Just had my exam...morning and afternoon. Such is Tax day! - oh well
When I received the booklet I prayed silently. When I opened caused me headache. I was close to shouting. - oh well
I slept at around 4am this morning and woke up at 6am. Two hours of sleep.. - oh well
Lately I have been experiencing "bangungot" ...I don't know what it is called but the feeling is like a spirit is dragging you from somewhere or it's either my spirit getting out from my body. Spooky! I could hardly breathe. Then I would struggle and tried to shout and pray and control my movements to make myself awake. Then I would wake up tried/wasted as if I didn't sleep at all. It's alarming that sometimes I have this fear of sleeping...that I might not wake up the next morning. Well, I've noticed that it usually happens when I'd sleep extremely late (almost dawn) after marathon reading. Probably my mind is just too tired and exhausted from work to school stuffs. Think I badly need some rest - oh well
My zits are slowly fading... but the marks are freakingly annoying - oh well
"Never expect from a'll just get frustrated"...this has been running in my mind from time to time. Somebody said this to me as an unsolicited advice...someone I treasure...someone special but lately I've been trying to outgrew...I don't know why, but may be I should learn to live my life with out him. But he will always be special and dear. Nobody can replace him. But I just want to give myself a break. - oh well
It's great to be reunited with friends I have missed to be with... It's always a great feeling to know that I have lots of "them" in my life. - oh well
Cup of coffee is addicting. I don't know how it happened but I used to be a milk monster...I could replace water with milk(well, not because of the milk scare...)...but coffee nowadays is a must! - oh well
laid back? - oh well
Weather in the office has changed a lot... - oh well
How can I not smile if my A**y*on* gives me reason to? My ate describes him as "cuteness"-oh well
...and there's HAPPINESS who never fails to brighten up my me reason to enjoy overtimes hehehe -oh well
Such is life! despite the nasty rumor...i still can't convince myself to whine about it...after all it isn't true... Why would I ruin something that is okay just because of some nasty thing? - oh well
If someone's bothering me...or my thoughts... or my world....I just simply delete the person's contact in my cellphone or YM. - oh well
I can only handle so much stress in life...there are more important things. - oh well
I have learned to value friends...and life has taught me the process of elimination. - oh well
Spending time in the house is not being detained sacrificing freedom...nowadays it has been very comforting - oh well
Kids in the house (?) have been addictive to me...I think same goes with me, I have been addictive to them especially aira - oh well
I would love to spend a vacation with Roche. We've been planning to go out of town and hopefully it will push though.. - oh well
There are many fish in the sea...but have no time to catch them. I'd rather sleep - oh well
I am just enjoying sailing till the fish jumps into my boat ... hehehe hope it is possible. - oh well
Sometimes I feel "information overload"...sometimes I feel "there's nothing inside my head"...quite an oxymoron! - oh well
I can only sighhh after a nerve wrecking exams - oh well
I wish I have all the time to study!!!!! Genie that's my wish@!!! - oh well
My long lost friend asked me..."Hindi ka ba napapagod?" - oh well
A relative once said "itigil na yang pag-aaral na yan"...and another asked "kailan pa ba yan matatapos?" ...I'd rather zip my mouth so as not to let some fiery words to come out - oh well
I just love kathleen's comment which unfortunately I couldn't post in my friendster account...It makes me miss her. My warfreak friend - oh well
Cacai is getting married this December 18....we're all excited! - oh well
It's refreshing to hang out with Lara, Carlo, Roche, BesprenJo.....I so miss my friends!!!! - oh well I shall include in my vacation's "to do list" visiting of churches I have never been to before. After midterms I failed to visit St. Therese as I am not familiar with QC...but I ended up at St. Jude. Now I intend to go farther...probably in Manaoag... - oh well
But I must pass the finals....BIG TIME - oh well
I'm hard up! after paying my tuition this morning...huhuhu I wonder how to survive the was not a pleasant surprise actually. Next time I will really make it a point to check my balance...and never let it accumulates. Such is life! - oh well
I am sleepy! - oh well