Friday, February 6, 2009

"Used to think that the opposite of FEAR is BRAVERY. Now I have realized that the opposite is FAITH."
- this is not the verbatim, but I guess I kinda get the sense of it.
FAITH, indeed, pushes a person to overcome FEAR... fear of committing mistakes, fear of humiliation, fear of becoming helpless and useless, fear of being hurt, fear of hurting other people, fear of being frustrated...fear of fear itself. Regardless of how many "fear" that's creeping and eating you up if you have the sufficient faith to battle it, you will get through and you will surpass it.
It is like holding on to something you don't really see...but your guts and inner being are telling you that there is a sense in believing on it and your will follows despite everything else.

-it can really move mountains...