Monday, April 13, 2009


im writing again with so much emotions inside me that i can't contain and control...thoughts are running rapidly and i don't know how to organize...but i'll try to make sense out of it...pardon if i'd fail...
my tears been hiding behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well...i wanted to hug my bestfriend/cousin before she went inside the departure area...but for some reason i did not.
i know i will miss her.
my tears been hidind behind my eyes and it's painful to the throat as well when i saw my two cousins embracing the other day...bidding goodbyes. I saw the other one welling with tears overwhelmed by the goodness one did for her through these trying times...and i saw the other controlling her tears and trying to make things light....i turned back and wiped my tears.
i'm happy with the recent news...that my nephew had a successful chemo treatment and that the bad cells had gone...God is good! Prayers are still needed for the continous fast recovery. My thanks to the many people who have said their sincere prayers.
I hope it is not too late for me to ever finally decipher what i have been feeling for the past few that i finally know i hope fate won't play with me....i'm afraid of bein' hurt once more.
I'm doing my part as the others would say i need to do...if this would fail this's not gonna be my fault.