Friday, November 14, 2008

Being True..or Being Apathetic?

I came across a blog (of my former schoolmate...) and there's this one phrase, which although I forgot the verbatim, the message lingers to me and remains fresh in my mind.
She has always been someone I looked up to eversince we were schoolmate...I find her personality very strong, unpretentious, adventurous, sharp, grounded, witty and intelligent. I know she is not an "ordinary girl".
If I was a guy...she's the kind of lady I would want to pursue.

I happened to read few of her entries...
In one of her entries she wrote that in her pursuit to know herself she thought that - doing the things she wanted to do, saying things she wanted to say and acting without any consideration of other people is right and justified by being "TRUE" to oneself. But then, later in life she realized...IT IS NOT.

It struck me!
Yes...she has a point.
We are responsible not only with ourselves but likewise with other people. Our right to express ourselves (disregarding the rights, privacy, feelings of other people) is NOT ABSOLUTE.
Somewhere in between it should be restricted.
Once a word has been uttered...once something has been done it can neither be erased nor undone.
It's there already...the marks are there.
Our apology may ease it...but it shouldn't be an excuse. Otherwise, it could only be a vicious cycle - of saying sorry and doing what has been done for the second and nth time.

Let us not be apathetic...we are not living alone in this world.
More than our egos, pride and self-filling-up-those-emptiness...there are people who could be hurt, damaged, destroyed or affected along the way...