Monday, November 24, 2008

why NIGHT and DAY should be not be together...

*** this is one of those children's stories I am intending to make...
I haven't started compiling, though and haven't started doing the drawings...

this one is still subject to some amendments....

I just like to share coz after (re)reading this...i remembered someone.

In the planet of LOVE lived NIGHT and DAY.
They used to be together and never leave each other’s side.
The other part of this planet was DARK,
While the other was BRIGHT.

On the part where DAY lives,
The trees grew in fullness,
The grass was green,
The flowers were blooming and
The fruits were abundantly beautiful to see and luscious to consume.

On the part where NIGHT lives,
The stars glistered like diamonds in the sky.
The moon was at peace with affectionate clouds.
The air was touching with calmness and
The water was in its serenity.

But when the planet of LOVE collided with the planet of HATE,
Both NIGHT and DAY were badly hurt and damaged.
They lose control.
Destruction came in.

On the part where DAY lives,
There was excessive brightness causing the animals’ blindness.
There was extreme heat causing the land to get dry and
Eventually, the trees, grass and flowers died.

On the part where NIGHT lives,
There was extreme darkness,
The stars and the moon were missing.
There was severe coldness and
The water had stopped to flow as it had turned in to ice.
The underwater creatures likewise died.

The goddess of LOVE shed tears with this sight.
She was lost for a moment.
She was broken, anxious, in pain and in deep sorrow.

Goddess of SACRIFICE came to rescue her friend LOVE,
She told NIGHT and DAY that they could not be together anymore in order to save the rest of the planet LOVE.

NIGHT and DAY sobbed in to tears upon hearing this as they do not want to be away from each other.
However, they know that they have to give up their personal happiness….
And so they let go of each other’s hand and obeyed goddess of SACRIFICE.

For now, they are working hard with the inspiration and hope that one day they will be back on each other’s side…and so they do their jobs very well.
They become contended on seeing each other when NIGHT ends his work and the DAY’S job has to start…or vice versa.
And so for every chance they have….they make it worthwhile…but they know that for now, until the planet of LOVE recovers, they have to follow what goddess of SACRIFICE asked them to do.