Saturday, November 8, 2008

LAST last!

There's so many things that I should be thankful about.
I had a vacation, may not be that grant but hey! at least I had.
I had the chance to visit a church few weeks ago....very good!
ENROLLED AKO! but of course!
claim it ...and you'll get it!
which means I don't have problems with, time and grades!
I was not supposed to enrol on the scheduled date as I went out of my budget last week and spent so much the other week thinking that the enrollment schedule would fall next week...I am such a mushroom! ( i have just learned this word...hehehe...which means "left in the dark". Pardon me if I am the only person who doesn't know this....can't blame me i'm such a MUSHROOM!well, at times)
going back... hehehe : )
so friend lent me last tuesday through her mom (since she's out of the country).
I was not supposed to get the money as I was expecting my money would be credited on the same week (TRUE enough it came two days after I got the money from my friend's mom)...but her mom was kind enough (too kind) to insist that I should get it. I took it despite the fact that I didn't feel that comfortable...but I just didn't want her mom to feel bad of rejecting her help (who am I?)
I was crossing the street heading towards the school with heart almost on my throat.
I was as edgy as a "husband waiting outside the delivery room"...
But I held on the thought that if it's not really for me, then why would God make a way (even if I wasn't asking for it).
Time was running out....
it was a long line of students waiting for verdicts...
my number was 52(second batch).
I saw a former classmate and had a small talk with her....her number was 99 (first batch) and she was there the last day and went back that day as she wasn't able to make it until 2am (yes the enrollment lasted till that time...what a!)
Looking at all the students patiently waiting outside the dean's made me feel depressed all the more.
I went near the glass window...
after five name was called! (hehehe sometimes I really can be that damn lucky!)
I think my envelope was mistakenly put on top of someone else's ....whatever!? It's a blessing in disguise, nonetheless.
After I was evaluated...I enrolled right a way...with no sweat at all. No negotiation whatsoever....hehehe
Thank Goodness I passed WILLS as I can not afford to repeat it...not this time when my QPI and GWA are in great peril.
my grades are fine....and i'm happy about it. wheeeeewwww!

and so I must FACE this coming sem with so much courage and confidence.