Monday, November 3, 2008

different now..

When I look in to your eyes I can feel the coldness inside…
I can tell by the way you stare that so much has changed.
Too bad that after all the good times…
It has to end just like this.
But I guess…it’s a truth I am compelled to face and
Hopefully, sooner or later, I will learn to accept.

I have been trying to avoid thoughts that would lead me to you.
Thoughts that will bring back the memories of good times shared,
Of care once given and
Of the smiles and laughter once caused in each other’s life.
But there are really times that I miss you…and I can’t help myself not to dwell.
I miss being with you - being with the OLD you.

It is sad that all this time it still makes me cry
Knowing that it wouldn’t be like it was before…
That no matter how much I try…
It just couldn’t be like it was…

Although letting-you-go is something I have conditioned my self long time ago,
I would be lying if I say “it has been easy now”…because it is not.
But it is something I know…I’ll learn to do and time will help me…I believe so.

I would like to think it is better off this way.
I know you can not give what you think I deserve…
But just so you’d know…I never really expected anything
Even from the beginning…
Everything I have felt…I have felt that without any condition whatsoever.
Everything that I did…I have done out of the intention to make you happy.
No other reason…but to even somehow touch your heart and keep it away from pain.

If there were times I’ve acted out of where I should only stand…
If there were times that I’ve said words I should not have…
If there were times I’ve tested your patience, understanding and sanity…
If there were times I’ve caused chaos in your tranquility…
If there were times I’ve caused aches…intentional and unintentional
…I am deeply sorry.

I am no longer hoping for anything…
If anything good happens
It will happen…perhaps for a reason
But I will neither do something nor push things…
…I just want to move forward.

Life is short to hurt the ones important to us…
The world is small to burn any bridges…
I am happy that I have come to know someone like you.
Years may pass…
And though things have changed a lot…
Something will always remain…no matter what.