Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life's uncertainties...

Life doesn't guarantee anything....Nothing is certain in this world. You say hello...tomorrow it's goodbye. You give day you will be betrayed. You give love....sometimes it doesn't comes back. However, sometimes it pays you big time. Gives you memories that complete your life.

The uncertainty of life gives us real teaches us to test ourselves inspite of difficulties. To be firm with our decisions...even sometimes we really want to give up and doubts starting to get in our nerves, questioning if we can still continue the fight.

It teaches us to accept matter how sour or bitter it is. It teaches us to wipe our tears, while generating more strength to say "goodbye"....It teaches us to let go of the things that are not meant for us...of the things that make us cry...make us sad...make us crazy...make us stupid...make us unwise. It teaches us to laugh at our mistakes...with a resolution that tomorrow will be a better "us". It gives us hope...that God never closes two doors. It makes us wise enough that there are still spaces in our hearts...and in our minds....and maybe also in our souls....that need to be filled up. It make us aware that as we begins to be more complicated, if we choose it to be one.

It will take a lot of move on, to accept defeat, to build what has been ruined, to change our better live in a new beginning. After the storm, there should be no other option but to get up from a not-so-nice consequence of an act.

The experiences that we have been through will be our arms in the next battle. . . with a hopeful heart that if today we are picking all the grapes...tomorrow we will be drinking the wine. If today the clouds are gray...tomorrow the sun will shine bright.