Sunday, February 17, 2008


Perfect...I am not.
I have done many things that made me proud of myself...but I also have done things that made me regret...
I have so many unwise decisions, which make me feel stupid at times.
I have said words that have inspired many...
many people I have hurt because of my sharp utterance...
I have love and expressed it in many ways..
cared and have given what I could,
I have caused pain for not doing what I should have done...not saying what I should have said...doing what I should have not.
I have failed myself...
I have failed people who have trusted me...people who have put their faith on me...
I have sank them in frustrations....caused them misery
I have been a wall ...
but there were times this wall shattered....
because I was also weak
and needing a wall to depend on..
There were times I thought that I was so strong...
surpassed all the tides...adversities and still standing tall....
But there were times I linger in the past...
couldn't move on and let go...
I am not perfect, don't you know?
I am not.
but despite the imperfections...I still continue to go on
going through this battle called life...
armed with faith in God...
trusting that He still loves me inspite of that...
this imperfection that I have now, is what I am working on....
to be a better person that He wanted me to be....
this imperfection have made me realized who I am...what I can do, what I can not...
knowing my imperfections has taught me to accept myself...
forgive myself...and my brothers as well...
that they too are not perfect...just as I am