Sunday, February 10, 2008

My everyday consists of routinary works...eating my energy...consuming me gradually...
if not for Rochelle, I would have been a lot more consumed. God is really good for He knows when to give help.
I have contended myself to this infinite boredom...senseless travel...
I still am contemplating whether because this is fate...or my choice.
Perhaps, the latter.
I know very much that life is proportionate on how our thoughts view it...
if we think we our blessed..we are blessed.
if we think we are miserable...that also is true.
However, the past few weeks were part of my down and trying moments...and honestly, including now.
Assessing my life seems a depressing review I would rather skip...
Not that I am complaining...but, well, maybe in some ways..
They say that when you are good in one aspect, you are not in the other. But what happens when you are neither good at both?
Depression! ....depression will eat you.
...the worst part is when it is eating you slowly.... is!

I just want to think (no matter how hard it is to condition both mind and heart) that I shall be happy with what I have...rather than looking for what I lack.
Somehow...knowing what I do not have motivates me.
Yeah, it is depressing...
but I just would like to see it as a challenge...
next time I will be a lot careful with the decisions I will be making...
I am hopeful ...this will just disappear one day....