Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Another book of Paulo C. has inspired me.
Spending my lil' vacation would not be complete had I didn't read one of Paulo's masterpiece. I have been wanting to read " By the River Piedra I sat down and wept" just that I couldn't squeeze it in my jammed schedule.
Last Monday, since I was scheduled to buy gifts (for my "inaanaks", cousins, nieces and nephews, relatives, officemates, family and friends), I decided to drop at the nearby bookstore and grab a copy of said book. I was supposed to get 4 actually, including witch of portobello (not sure about the title,though), veronika decides to die and eleven minutes...but last minute I decided to get one as I was remembered that I could not afford to just spend my whole vacation reading books other than my law books as the prelim exam is already nearing.
(But nevertheless, later I'll buy Veronika decides to die and will try to squeeze it in my other sched..hehehe)
The book is generally about LOVE and SPIRITUAL LIFE ( based upon my appreciation).
It tackles one's faith about religion...vocation...mission...and love.
It is a story of the love that once lost and once found....
The two character in the story were childhood friends, both had dreams...and both pursued their dreams in different ways and means.
The guy wanted to travel the world and know more about the world...and so he left the place where he grew up....leaving Pilar (the girl) behind. Their love, concealed into friendship, survived through exchanges of letters. But soon the exchanges of letters had stopped and they both lived their lives seperately...not knowing that time has already passed by.
The guy went to a seminary.
Pilar, a student, wanting to get a job in state.
After 11 years, they met again.
After 11 years...they could not deny that the feelings have not changed.
Pilar, who had thought that she had convinced herself to stiffle whatever feelings she had for her friend....later realized she was wrong.
She could not be in love with the impossible...that's what she told herself.
She had waited for so long to have the love she has been longing for...a love that is possible. Whatever feelings she has for her friend could not be pursued.
The guy fought for the love he has for Pilar....he decided to go out the seminary and to live his life with Pilar.

It is a story of pursuing love and knowing how to pursue a deeper spiritual life....and a different way of serving God and others.
In dreaming there should be working out our dreams along the way there are sacrifices.
Our life can not promise us all but happiness...
but one thing for sure...we are created for happiness.
It is up to us how to discover it and pursue it.