Monday, December 29, 2008


December is about to finish.
Looking at all my entries here I'm kinda' amaze to see that I have written so many...with sense and without...Random thoughts, impulsive and emotional outburst....or just killing the time at times.

I may be sounding like I am putting an end on my blog...
I must be lying or perhaps giving this "unknown" blog some sort of controversy- if I'd say "yes! this is the final entry!" coz that's the last thing I would do...well, except of course for highly exceptional cases. But for the meantime I don't see any reason of deleting this and starting a new one. It's not worth of anything.

Contrary to what I have anticipated...I had a great vacation!
Though I have welled my eyes from tears...the week ended harmonious.
Whatever the reason there understanding and respect will always be there.
I will just wait for the time when he is ready to open up things ...and ready to ask for any help.
I am happy that I have spent my time wisely and happily...with my family and relatives.

I am now hard up! but I care less...long as I know I made other people happy.
This is one of the best christmas for me...despite other things that happened.