Monday, November 24, 2008

"Cultivate your curiosity.
Keep it sharp and always working.
Consider curiosity your life preserver, your willingness to try something new.
Second, enlarge your enthusiasm to include the pursuit to excellence, following every task through to completion.
Third, make the law of averages work for you.
By budgeting your time more carefully than most people you can make more time available.
Does the combination of curiosity, enthusiasm, and the law of averages guarantee success?
Indeed it does not! ...
Success in the final analysis always involves luck or the element of chance.
Louis Pasteur grasped this well when he said that chance favors the prepared mind."

- John W. Hanley


? said...

Thank you! I appreciate it! My heart leaps with joy when I discovered that you're also a fan of coelho. I like his "The Alchemist". How about you?

Lex Juris said...

Hi Jm!

Alchemist was the first book (of Paulo) that I have read. It's something special to me as it inspired me to pursue my greatest dream...
and I'm glad that I took the courage to follow what I really wanted to do...and what I intend to be my purpose in life.
I love Paulo's works...profound, brave, inspiring, motivational and rational. I suggest that you also read his Valkeries and Warrior of Life...

If you loved Paulo's works you might also want to try and read the books of Osho...

Lex Juris

Lex Juris said...
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Anonymous said...

more inspirational stories on

kayeann_kho said...

more inspirational stories on