Thursday, November 27, 2008


How could other people GET SOME PLEASURE of using other's "known"name in such a way to create MALICIOUS FUN or simply INSENSITIVE FUN out of it, and thus causing confusion, damage or the owner?
I do not know whether these kinds of people are just simply UNAWARE, INSENSITIVE, BITTER or JUST FILLING UP THEIR EMPTINESS out of seeing other's shit or SIMPLY MESSING UP OTHER PEOPLE's rights, reputation, privacy and personhood.
"Acting" as a bull always eyeing for a red target....unfortunately, the "weak" or the "seemingly less weaker than they are"....for what? to convince themselves that " hey! in this area (of shitting) I am strong/great!"
I remember one person who once told me that " I choose my grounds" first I took it as very self-service statement....arrogantly flattering oneself. Now I realized there's wisdom on it. And to that person who once uttered it, my thanks, as it reminds me that I also must choose my grounds in dealing with people I choose to be in my life...and even those who- "not in my wildest dreams ever crossed to be part " of such, but consciously or unconsciously GETTING IN MY WAY!
"PIGS MESS WITH PIGS!" as they say...If you are not one of them...then rather stay away from the mud. But sometimes, and we know that, we can never choose the people whom we will bump into. Just don't start the war! but never step back on a fight...especially when the enemy has already started it. But just CHOOSE YOUR BATTLE WISELY so you will not end up stagnant in the mud.
People with different views, values, philosophies, principles, standards, way of living and BREEDING will always have INCONGRUITY.
I just wish that whatever DISPARITY I may have with other people ....I shall take it as something to augment my wisdom rather than to augment my enemies.


? said...

Your new template is better than before. Are you the one who designed it? I like it. Very artistic!

? said...

Good day, my blogger friend! Please care to visit my new post. Is it okay? or nonsense? What do you think?