Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Being liked

Being liked gives a person a certain responsibility or obligation to become a better person. It is a privilege to be liked by someone as we can not please everyone.

I must say that I am lucky to be liked by kids.
(Nephews, nieces, "inaanaks", cousins, neighbors...and other kids in full context)
I would wake up with kids jumping around making some noise eager to see me getting up from my bed. One kid would turn on the light and another would shout at my ear....yeah they could be that mean :( but since they are kids, they can get away from my nags and sharp looks....just because they are kids.
If you live in our house, it's a "no-no" to wake me up in the middle of my deep sleep. Reason that is, I have only few hours to spend sleeping and those few hours are very much precious to me and is non-negotiable.

One time, I kidded Aira, saying I couldn't be her ninang in her "Kumpil(confirmation)" but instead I would be for her ate.
She cried and went out our house. We thought she's just going home but when my mother followed her...she was outside near a tree and crying. She didn't talk to me despite hours of negotiation (that I would buy her sponge bobs etc and etc) . After a while, she mumbled " hindi na kita gigisingin!" then she cried again..."hindi na kita ninang! ate na lang".
Then, I've realized that their "waking-me-up" must have meant so much to them that they won't do that to someone they don't like or care less. Translated in another word, "concern or care".
I was touched!
After few hours we were okay. Thereafter, I made them home-made and my version of "Starbucks Mocha Frappe". They were, again, engrossed with my must-have coffeemaker and starbucks house blend coffee and the way I put creams, milk, chocolate and sugar altogether.
They listen everytime I tell them to wait till three o'clock before they can drink it (even if it is past three). Soon they will be convinced to sleep. Once awaken they would race to open the ref and get the chilled coffee (which they called "ice cream").

It is nice to see how they get delighted whenever they see me in the house...because I usually went home late. They would shout and jump and would compete just to stay beside me as if they were irons and I am magnet. They would do things voluntarily or even without me asking...as if they were under my spell hehehe (such as getting this or that).
I remember they would always ask me when do will I have no "pasok" since maybe they notice that most of the time I had to go to work (my excuse) even weekends.

It is moving to hear from a kid while looking straight my eyes, with a shy smile, but with a sincere heart, saying " Thank you po kasi sinama mo kami".
I heard that twice in different incident from Maica, who obviously had fun during my treat.
I would normally promise them that I would take them out in this and that place on this and that date....and I would make time to do that promise whenever my schedule turns okay. (Because they say kids who used to get broken promises become Liars)
We normally tag them along when there is family outing or gathering...as if they are already part of our family. They would encircle the date in their calendar and count the days as it nears.
They would dress up nicely prepared and wake up earlier.

They are both addicted in staying in our house chit chatting and joking around with my parents.
The moment they wake up and after they came from school...and before they sleep they are in our house.

I would receive a call late at night(which I was not supposed to get as I normally don't accept calls in the house for some weird reason) either from anyone of them...just saying "goodnight" or asking the same questions they have asked few minutes before their father called them to go home.

When my shift was still 12pm-9pm, they would wait for me before they would sleep. I would hear thin pitch of shouting voice whenever I arrive and would see two kids jumping with big smiles and they would run hurriedly to me, thereafter.

It's a good feeling to know that aside from my pamangkins, these kids like me too.
Also, I somehow feel a certain sense of moral obligation to be a good example to them. I feel guilty whenever out of impulsive reactions, anger or uncontrolled emotions I show unpleasant attitude in front of them. I try to be conscious whenever kids are around to be extra careful with the words that I will use;to be careful on my facial expressions and tone of voice as I don't want them to look at it as okay or acceptable, knowing that they see me as someone to look up to.
Kids would sometimes mimic our styles and ways of speaking. They would mimic our expressions and eventually, without us knowing...they already have adapted our personalities and characters.
They say "Character is contagious".
It is good only if ours is worth catching.
It would be unfair for these kids if I would knowingly or unknowingly influence them with the things I should have discarded long before.

More than being liked, I guess it would be a lot nicer feeling to see how you have influenced those who look up to you to be a good and better individual.
Being liked..more than a privilege is an obligation. :)