Thursday, November 27, 2008

Drop our defenses

I figure out that sometimes, as we grow older the more things get complicated...the more life gets complicated.
It is as if happiness is just there...but never within our reach.
That sometimes...pleasing other people is tantamount to pleasing oneself.
compromising what we truly want and need..
Denying it -is being untrue...
Looking at one thing is seeing another thing,
as we are focus on our fears of losing than the grace of receiving...
We linger on the past that caused us misery...rather than dwelling on the emotion that is giving us be happy
We throw away the things that matter
...and keep the dangerous thing called - Pain.
Watch the children them giggle and cry.
They are braver than us...
for they know how to drop their defenses...not afraid to be branded afraid or weak...
they cry when they are hurt
they laugh when they are happy...
But the adult doesn't know when to cry and when not to...
Because most of the time they fake their emotions
they mask their sadness
they mask their happiness
When good things come their way they don't know to see it as happiness or impending sorrow....
they worry too much about what will happen
when what will happen tomorrow can never be ascertained...
hence, they forget about the present
they forget to care
they forget to love
they forget to enjoy
...they forget the most important things in life
they spoil happiness...about to come their way
because they are so focused on their fears.

It is sad..but it is true.