Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Once a thing has been done....it can never be undone
once uttered there's no way to take it back
for Life is not a computer...
that with just a click it can bring back whatever it is before...
no it's not..
But life can be remedied...rectified
We can always do something...
to reconstruct whatever has been destroyed..

...and hope that it is never too late to do that.
-Lex Juris


? said...

Hmmm... really? Thanks! I think... that book of him will be my next target. I know also of a classic French author who had a same style of writing. His name is "Antoine de Saint-Exupery". I bet you would also love his "The Little Prince".

Lex Juris said...

Yes..love that book!
I have a copy of that too.

"what is essential is invisible to the eye.."--> I don't know if I got it correctly

but i guess that's what the book is all about.